Media and Press

Image Licensing and Copyright

All images on this website are the property of Spencer House Limited unless otherwise stated in the caption or credited below.

Contemporary architectural photography of Spencer House: © Paul Highnam

Main image for ‘History’ page: The Great Room, 1955. © Syborn+Atkinson.

Main image for ‘A Short History of Spencer House’ sub-page: Spencer House by Samuel Wale, 1761, image © London Metropolitan Archives (City of London).

Main images for ‘Restoration’ sub-page. Photographer: G Hana.

If you require a copy of any image used on this website, whether for personal, academic or commercial use, please contact the Collections team in the first instance:


Tel: 020 7647 6216

Press Requests

Press requests for information and images of the house, as well as media visits and interviews should be sent to the Tours team:


Tel: 020 7514 1958